5 Canine Bites Piercing Ideas: Jewelry, FAQs, do’s, don’ts, Aftercare
Are you wondering what the best type of lip piercing for you might be?
The canine bite piercing could be the perfect choice for you! This is a popular lip piercing that can be found both in males and females.
There are a lot of different kinds of piercings available, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks (that’s why I recommend reading this article before beginning the process).
It’s a great choice for those who want to do something different with their lips, but don’t want to go too extreme or make it difficult for themselves.
If your current piercings are bothering you, have a history of giving yourself problems, or you’re just looking for something different altogether, then this might be the solution for you.
This is an excellent way to change up your look and attain a sharper piercable lip. want to know how to get a canine bites piercing? as well as find out more about the process of getting one.
What is a Canine Bite Lip Piercing?
A pair of piercings are located above the upper lip and another pair below the lower one (bottom lip), symmetrically placed on opposite sides of the lower lip.
the canine bites piercing suits those who love facial piercings.
Actually, Canine bites are a combination of angel bites and snake bites or spider bites piercing. below you can see both piercing images and find differences.
If you have a Monroe piercing and want a new look then you can mix it with other lip piercing types then you can easily turn it into canine bites piercing.
Dragon Bites Piercing
Dragon bites piercing, also known as canine bites piercing, is a type of oral piercing that involves the placement of two studs on side of the lower lip and two on the upper lip, resembling the fangs of a dragon or canine.
This piercing has become a popular choice among those looking to add a unique and edgy touch to their facial appearance.
If you have a shark bite and are now bored with this piercing and you want a similar canine bites piercing then need two more punctures above your upper lip. (this will not exactly be canine bites piercing) Because shark bite piercings already have a double puncture on the left side of your bottom lips and the same as on the right side of your bottom lips so converting shark bite piercing into a canine bite it’s pretty difficult.
How much do canine bites piercings hurt?
Canine bites piercing hurt level at a 5 out of 10 on the pain scale since there are four piercings being made at the same time on one small surface.
If you’re thinking about getting a canine bites piercing, it’s important to remember that it is a long-term commitment.
If you decide to do it, be prepared for the pain and swelling of healing because the piercing is near your lower lip and upper lip, the area will be very tender at first and there is no cartilage. You may also experience some discomfort while sleeping or eating.
Suggestion For Less Pain level
During the piercing, you should be positive and muster the courage. This will help you to avoid any pain levels during the process. The more positive you are, the better your body will react to the piercing.
- If you feel any kind of pain, then relax as much as possible and try to breathe in and out slowly.
- As I above described in this piercing need four piercing at a time if your discomfort then you can wait a few days between piercing sessions.
- After the initial healing period, there are some things you can do to reduce any discomfort and ensure that your piercing stays healthy and strong over time.
- Use ice packs for 10 minutes every hour for three to four hours per day for seven days. It is best to apply them after soaking in warm water and rinsing them with a sterile saline solution (saltwater).
- Get plenty of fluids before you get a piercing done so that you don’t experience any kind of dehydration or cramping during or after the procedure.
Best Saline Cleaning Solution
Easy to Use: Apply a small amount of healing sea salt solution and allow saline solution to do its job.
How much will it cost?
The average cost for canine bites piercing ranges from 40$ to 80$. (jewelry price not included)
The cost of canine bites piercing can vary significantly depending on location, piercer experience, the quality of the jewelry, the materials used, and other factors. Some people prefer to use stainless steel or titanium for their piercings, while others prefer gold or silver.
Procedure: How is this piercing done?
There are many different types of piercings that can be done. The selection of professional piercers is the most important thing. You should ask for a number and make sure that he has experience with the kind of piercing you want to get done.
If you are planning to get your lip canine bites pierced, it’s recommended that you go to a professional body piercing shop. This way, you’ll be able to observe how other people get their ears pierced and learn all about safety measures.
it’s time for you to choose a jewelry style that matches your taste and personality. After you’ve decided on what kind of jewelry style you want for your canine bites piercing, you must ask about its color because it will affect how much money you have to pay for it.
A piercer will first mark the location where the perforation will be made near your lips area using a marker or pen. Then, he will cleanse your outer lips skin with an antiseptic solution before inserting the needle into the skin above your lips area.
Then, he will select needle size according to the body and jewelry size.
After that, the jewelry will be inserted into the hole and then it will be closed by a bandage.
You can also ask about how many holes are needed in it before deciding on whether or not to get them done at once or in stages.
After completing your piercing process he will guide you about aftercare, do and don’t you must be followed.
Canine Bites Piercing Pros and Cons
As you know Pros and Cons help us to understand about piercing banefit and disadvantage so there is some major point below.
Canine bites piercing healing Time and Aftercare Tips
Canine bites piercing healing time is 3-4 months. It is important to note that the healing process can take longer depending on the piercing, your overall health, and the type of jewelry used.
Aftercare Tips: Do’s and Don’t
below we are giving some Do and Don’t instructions for this piercing you should follow.
Best Canine Bites Aftercare product
You must understand the importance of aftercare because Without proper aftercare, you could be at risk for serious complications.
Best Jewelry For Canine Bites Piercing
If you have a canine bites piercing, you need to be aware of the best jewelry for your piercing. Curved barbells or circular barbells, studs, and rings are the best body jewelry idea.
as you know fashion trends always change but some of the most popular canine bites piercing jewelry ideas are here.
there are so many jewelry options available some of below.
- Ball closure rings (beads)
- Studs (Diamond incorporated or simple one)
- Hoops
- Black simple rings
- Flat back labret studs (silver)
- Tragus Lip Ring
- circular barbells (curved barbell is trending)
- Labret piercings
Ball closure rings (beads)
A ball closure ring is a good idea this type of ring that has a ball-shaped stopper. It is typically used for preventing small objects from falling out of the ring’s body. A ball closure ring can be made in different sizes, shapes, and materials.
Studs (Diamond incorporated or simple one)
Stud jewelry for lip piercing refers to a number of different types of jewelry used in the fashion of slightly enlarged, decorative studs or balls that are designed to accentuate a particular feature of the face. Studs can be worn in a variety of styles and designs.
Why shouldn’t I get a canine bites piercing?
If your gums are receding or experiencing enamel wear, then you shouldn’t go with canine bite piercing. The reason is, that these types of piercings can cause a major problem for your mouth. They can be dangerous and painful.
If you have oral issues or poor dental hygiene, it is best to avoid any kind of mouth piercings. The bacteria in your saliva can lead to infection and make an already bad situation worse by creating another hole where germs can enter the body.
This piercing types need four puncture two upper lip and two lower lip so high chance to feel pain rather than a single puncture.
Canine Bites Piercing images
as you can see below image two piercing is above the lip and two piercing his lower lip. if you have already pierced with medusa and want a new look then you can mix it with other lip piercing types then you need only two more piercings in your lower lip.
Can you turn a single lip piercing into canine bites
Yes, You can easily turn single piercings, angel bites, snake bites, and spider bites piercing into canine bite piercings.
How much do canine bites piercings cost?
Canine bites piercings cost around 40$ to 80$. cost depends upon location, piercer experience, and jewelry quality.
What are canine bites piercing
canine bites piercing has four punctures two above your lip (one left and one right) and the same thing happens with the bottom lip.